Klaustri∂, östra Island
Klaustrid (the Monastery) is a residence for artists, writers and scholars, Icelandic or foreign. The residence is managed by The Institute of Gunnar Gunnarsson. It includes a small apartment and workroom in the unique farmhouse, Skriduklaustur, which was built in 1939 by the famous Icelandic writer Gunnar Gunnarsson.
The Board of the Institute of Gunnar Gunnarsson and its director evaluate the applications on the following grounds:
- Projects concerning Gunnar Gunnarsson, his life and his works, have priority just as any project concerning East-Iceland, its nature and culture.
- Icelanders should never be fewer than 2/3 of the residents.
- The stay should never be less than 3 weeks and never more than 6 weeks. Exceptions are made if there is some unused time in the residence.