Ung Nordisk Musik, Malmö
The festival theme of 2014 is Music Resistance. With this we want to change the discourse with the field of modern art music.We want to initiate discussions about music as changing power. We want a debate to rise about the position and relevance in society of modern art music. We want to question the inherited aesthetics of modern art music. We want to have a closer look at what makes music politic; How do a creator communicate his/her music ? How can music be criticism? What is radical music? What in common does art music have with the rest of our society?
UNM is a festival for young composers and sound artists based in the Nordic countries. Since 1946, the festival has rotated between Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Finland and Sweden, offering composers the oppurtunity to have their works presented by professional ensembles. Each year 5 independent national juries (i.e. one in every country) choose 35 composers for the festival, through an anonymous selection process. Seven composers from each country then meet in the host city for the festival, have their pieces performed, and attend lectures / seminars with guest teachers.
UNM is a fantastic opportunity to hear new sounds and meet and create connections with Nordic colleagues.