


String Orchestra Compositions with or without solo strings in Neo-Baroque style
The Sofia International Composition competition is an annual event, organized by the Sofia Municipality, the Krasno Selo Cultural Center with the assistance of the Sofia Soloists Chamber Ensemble.
Participation rules

1. The Competition is open to participants of all countries, with no age limitations.
2. The presented works have to be composed for a string orchestra of 14 performers (4-4-3-2-1) without solo strings. The members of the orchestra will perform the solos. The style characteristics are expected to be close to renaissance music.
3. Each competitor may present one composition with duration no less than 10 and no more than 15 minutes. The score is to be a computer printout or a clear manuscript.
4. The compositions should not be previously performed in public, published or recorded.

The Prizes

  • Ist Prize - 3 000 leva /1500 euro/
  • IInd Prize - 2 000 leva /1000 euro/
  • IIIrd Prize - 1 000 leva /500 euro/