
Musik i Tiden, Viitasaari, Finland

2014-07-01 to 2014-07-06

Time of Music (Musiikin aika) festival is organized in Viitasaari, Middle-Finland. Time of Music focuses on contemporary music, and has hosted the most important composers and artists of the field during the past years, gaining an international reputation as a courageous, border-breaking, and innovative event. Its exotic and remote location in the small town, by the lake, has caused a buzz within the visitors which cannot be compared to any other festival. “The spirit of Viitasaari” is a known statement spread throughout the most active countries of contemporary music.

Time of Music is also a meeting point for music professionals and students from both Finland and abroad. The festival contains not only concerts but meetings and lectures plus presentations which unite the visiting group into a tight discussive organ. In 2009 the festival hosted a seminar for promoting contemporary music. The following year Time of Music started a promotional project “Tune In” with Fimic, aimed for 2012, the 30th Anniversary of the festival. “Tune In” will bring international guests to listen, meet, discuss and plan joined efforts for future purposes.