Bildrättigheter: Serge Viluman
Om Serge Dmitriev Viluman
Serge Dmitriev Viluman is a Russian-Swedish Composer.
Born on the 15th of January 1964 in Novosibirsk, former USSR. Viluman lived in Moscow from 1971-91, where he graduated from the Tchaikovsky State Conservatory as a composer in 1991, after studies for Prof. Albert Leman and Prof. Nikolai Korndorf. In the beginning of 1992 Viluman moved to Sweden and attended the Royal College of Music in Stockholm as a post-graduate student, where he studied composition from 1992-97 for Prof. Sven-David Sandström. In December 1998 he became a Swedish citizen.
Aside from his work as a composer, he has also worked from 1990-91 as a teacher of music theory and composition at The Gnesins Musical College in Moscow. In Sweden, he has worked as a piano teacher at Nacka Music School 1998-99 and, in 1999 as a teacher of music theory at The Gotland School of Music Composition in Visby and The Music School Lilla Academy in Stockholm.
In his music, Viluman strives to unite the Russian dramatic shape with some aspects of the Western post-modern timbres (Magnifico, Circulation, Ostinato No.2 and Mirages) as well as to emphasise a processional sensation through the timing of music (Reminiscences of the Future, A Sign of the Times). He combines different stylistic directions and genre elements (contemporary music, jazz, pop, rock and folk) with his ambition to create an intelligible and affecting new serious music. There is often an individual in the center of his conception, who keeps leaving the old stage of his life in order to enter a new one, going through some self-metamorphosis (Away… and Towards…, Conversions, I long for the Newer-newer land, CornDoRF, Dreams from the Childhood, The Snow from my Childhood has thawed, Prophet ).
He has been represented along with other Swedish composers in two concert projects in Stockholm, organised by the Swedish Radio/P2: Rum i rummet ("Room in the room", May 1997) in collaboration with "KammarensebleN" (The Chamber Ensemble) and Nageln i örat ? (“Nail in the Ear?” Sept-Oct 1997) with the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra. In October 1998 he was awarded first prize in the category "electroacoustic music with instruments or voice” at the 20th "Luigi Russolo" Competition in Varese, Italy, for his work CornDoRF, for the French horn and electronics. In 1999 December 1999 he was presented with a runner-up citation for the piece Hägringar (Mirages), for saxophone quartet, at the fourth Tokyo International Competition for Chamber Music Composition. In September 2000 his work “A Sign of the Times” for flute and organ was included into the Swedish contribution at the Festival “Nordic Music Days” in Lahti, Finland.
Några utvalda verk
- Three concert pieces for piano (Phantom, Reverberations, Ostinato 1997-1991) pf. 17’
- Four easy pieces for piano (1984-2001) pf. 8’
- Reminiscences of the future / Reminiscens av framtiden (1999) for organ 10’
- Déjà vu (2012) for harp and tape 13'
- The snow from my childhood has thawed / Min barndoms snow har töat bort (2001) marimba 10’
- A sign of the times / Tidens tecken (1998) gr.flute /G-fl & organ 17’
- CornDoRF (1995) French horn & tape. 8’
- Mirages / Hägringar (1992) for saxophone quartet. 11’
- Intrada (1993) saxophone quartet. 2’
- Salvoes / Salveld (2000) for saxophone quartet. 5’
- The Viking arrives / Vikingen kommer (1998) for 3 sax. 3’
- Conversions (1992) wind octet, perc, pf. 10’
- I long for the newer-newer land / Jag längtar till landet som icke är (1995) git & G-fl. 12’
- Away… and Towards…(1990) trio for vl, vlc & pf. 10’
- Intermezzo di meditazione (2001) trio for gr.flute, vl & vlc. 13’
- Sun drawing water (2002), a duet for trompet in Bb & gr.marimba / 5 gongs. 14’
- A Cycle Race (2006) f chamber ensemble -- fl, cl, vl, vlc, perc, pf. 8'
- An open window (2010) f contrabasso & piano. 9,5'
- Duetto spontaneo (2009/11) f violin & piano. 14'
- Circulation (1993) chamber orchestra: 1111 1110 01 0 str, 2pf, marimba. 9’
- Divertimento (1989) symph orch: 3*3*3*3* 4331 12 0 str. 20’
- Dreams from the childhood (2000) symph orch: 2*222 4311 12 1. 14’
- Magnifico (1994/97) symph orch: 3*3*3*3* 4331 12 1 str. 16’
- Ostinato No.2 (2013) symph orch: -- 5*101 1321 13 1 str, 5rec, 5sax, 2pf 4 hands, 4git, el-bas
- On the primory rocks - a choir suite for mixed choir á cappella based on Valery Brusov’s poems about Sweden (2009)
- The Night, The Street, The Lamp, The Drugstore /Natt. Gränden, lyktan, apoteket for mixed choir á cappella based on a poem by Alexander Blok (1996)
- That morning that joy, a piece for mixed choir á cappella based on a poem by Afanasy Fet (2004).
Serge Dmitriev Viluman
Född: 1964
Invald: 1998
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