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Missa inte Nordic Music Film Days 12 - 13 februari

FST är med och arrangerar Nordic Film Music Days tillsammans med flera andra nordiska komponistföreningar. Det årliga arrangemanget äger normalt rum i Berlin under den internationella filmfestivalen Berlinale i syfte att skapa en gemensam plattform samt belysa och marknadsföra våra duktiga Nordiska filmkompositörer internationellt.


I samband med seminarier och panelsamtal så delas också priset HARPA ut till en av fem nominerade kompositörer. I år kommer hela evenemanget äga rum online. 

Alla moderatorer, paneldeltagare och HARPA-nominerade kompositörer är samlade på Nordiska Ambassaden i Berlin för att livestreama årets event under temat ”Creating Scores”. Seminarierna är på engelska och allt deltagande är kostnadsfritt!

Anmäl dig här för att få länk till seminarierna!

Läs hela programmet här!

Lördag 12 februari 

PRESENTATION AND TALK. Creating the score = creating the film. Meet the nominated composers and hear about the early collaboration between composer and director. Johan Testad (SV), Jonas Struck (DK), Sanna Salmenkallio (FI),Tóti Guðnason (IS), Erik Ljunggren (NO). Moderator: Halfdan E (DK)

Ta en titt på alla de nominerade kompositörerna här
Och här kan du läsa en intervju med Sverigenominerade Johan Testad för sin musik i Björnstad.

DIY & PRESENTATION. Soundtracks, their importance as a calling card for composers and how to prepare and release them. Jesper Hansen (DK), Mikael Carlsson (SE)

DIY & PRESENTATION. Agreements & the work flow in productions. As a composer for film and television one will come across all kinds of legal and practical obstacles. Some of which could be seen as opportunities if they are approached in the right way. In this conversation with Ida-Lee Brandel (SE), music supervisor and sync manager, renowned composer Jean-Paul Wall (SE) talks about the workflow of a composer, both from a creative and a contractual agreement stand point. We will go through an overview of the work flow of productions to determine what contractual agreements that might be needed and what to think of when it comes to using music that are sourced elsewhere.

DSM article 18-23. New legislation = new opportunities. During 2019 the EU adopted a new copyright directive and now we are facing the implementation of Articles 18-23. In this conversation Koda’s senior legal advisor, Kaspar Lindhardt (DK) and chairman of Skap Alfons Karabuda (SE) will take os through the copyright directive and its implecations for Nordic composers. 

Award show. Where we will reveal the 12th winner of Nordic Film Composers Award HARPA. Hosts Haldan E (DK) and Kaisa Rönkkö (FI) with last years winner Flemming Nordkrog. 
Watch the Award show on www.nordicfilmmusicdays.com

Söndag 13 februari 


9.45 - 12:00 
DK | VORES MAND I AMERIKA | THE GOOD TRAITOR | duration film: 1:55 | German subtitles
Introduced by composer Jonas Struck

12:15 - 2:15 PM 
FIN | AALTO | duration film 1:45 | English subtitles
Introduced by composer Sanna Salmenkallio

3-5 PM
IS | LAMB | duration film 1:45 | English subtitles
Introduced by composer Tóti Guðnason 

5:15 - 7:30 PM  
NO | GRITT | duration film 1:58 | English subtitles
Introduced by the composer Erik Ljunggren 

7.45 - 9 PM 
SE | BJÖRNSTAD | BEARTOWN | duration 1:01 | English subtitles 
Introduced by the composer Johan Testad

Tickets for online screening