Aktivitetskalender - arkiv

Nedan återfinns deadlines för ett antal kompositionstävlingar, bidragsordningar, residens och stipendier, samt datum för större festivaler inom samtida musik.
Därtill finns ett antal Projektstöd och Residens utan deadline, med löpande ansökan.

Det finns även handledningar i projektfinansiering att läsa hos Statens Musikverk och Nordisk Kulturfond. Förslag på fler tävlingar, projektbidrag, residens, stipendier och festivaler sändes till kansli@fst.se

Samtliga beskrivande texter är hämtade från respektive webplats.

Klaustri∂, östra Island


Writers, composers, artists, musicians, dancers and scholars are eligible to apply for 3-8 weeks residency in Klaustrid at Skriduklaustur, East Iceland every year....

Saari residence, Hietamäki


The Saari Residence, maintained by Kone Foundation, is a residence for artists and researchers in Mynämäki, Finland....

Virginia Centre for the Creative Arts


Why do artists from around the world leave their studios behind to come to the VCCA? It's all about the work....

Villa San Michele, Capri


Villa San Michele är en utomordentlig plats för inspiration och arbete inom de flesta områden. Antalet sökande ligger mellan 300-400, knappt 80 får plats.


The Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics, Graz


The IEM – Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics – in Graz, Austria is happy to announce its call for the 2017 Artist-in-Residence program.


Kulturfonden för Sverige och Finland


Kulturfonden för Sverige och Finland har till syfte att främja de kulturella förbindelserna mellan Sverige och Finland genom att ge stöd till ökad kännedom om och kontakt mellan de båda ländernas k...

Svenska Institutet, Paris


Korttidsboende för kulturarbetare och forskare.


Nationellt residens vid Studio Acusticum, KN


Vistelsestipendiet vid residenset ska ge dig som frilansande, yrkesverksam konstnär möjlighet att koncentrera dig på och utveckla ditt konstnärliga arbete....

Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart


Akademie Schloss Solitude sponsors young artists, scholars, scientists, and economic professionals via residency fellowships only....

Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio, Italy


The Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Residency Program offers academics, artists, thought leaders, policymakers, and practitioners a serene setting conducive to focused, goal-oriented work, and the ...


DAAD: Berlin Artists-in-Residence programme


Programme Description

The Berlin Artists-in-Residence programme, Berliner Künstlerprogramm, is one of the most renowned international programs offering grants to artists in the fields of vi...

Virginia Centre for Creative Arts


Why do artists from around the world leave their studios behind to come to VCCA? It's all about the work....


Bogliasco Foundation, Italy


Bogliasco Fellowships are awarded to gifted individuals working in all the disciplines of the Arts and Humanities without regard to nationality, age, race, religion or gender. The Bogliasco Foundat...


The Arctic Circle 2017


Upcoming Expeditions:

The Arctic Circle 2017, Summer Solstice Expedition: June 10 th – June 28 th, 2017 International Territory of Svalbard


Performing Arts Residency at The Banff Centre, Canada



The Performing Arts Department at Banff Centre is committed to the commissioning, development, and production of new works in all major performance disciplines....

Babayan Culture House; Cappadocia, Turkey


The Babayan Culture House offers many possibilities for art–making including, painting, drawing, photography, video, sound, new media, sculpture, installation, and performance....


Notam - Call for residency applications


Notam are now open for applications to their next residency in studio Sirius, which has its focus on multichannel works for surround sound.
Deadline is 31. January 2017....

Vistelsestipendium vid Danielsgården


Stiftelsen Danielsgården i Bingsjö delar varje år ut ett eller flera vistelsestipendier. En konstnärlig yrkesutövare får då bo en tid av sommaren i stipendiatbostaden på Danielsgården....

Skandinaviska föreningens konstnärshus i Rom


Circolo Scandinavo offers residencies to Nordic artists. Artists from all Nordic countries and all art fields may apply.


Svenska Institutet, Paris


Korttidsboende för kulturarbetare och forskare.


Bogliasco Foundation, Italy


Bogliasco Fellowships are awarded to gifted individuals working in all the disciplines of the Arts and Humanities without regard to nationality, age, race, religion or gender. The Bogliasco Foundat...

VERTIGO Granted Artistic Residencies Program


The VERTIGO Granted Artistic Residencies Program organises collaborations between artists and research and development (R&D) projects in the field of Information and Communication Technologies ...

Sounding Paths 2017 - A residency for site-specific sound projects


12-23 July 2017
Ano Syros, Greece

Invited Artists:
Graham Lambkin (UK / US) & Áine O’Dwyer (IE)


Virginia Centre for Creative Arts


Why do artists from around the world leave their studios behind to come to VCCA? It's all about the work....
