Bildrättigheter: Bild av Johan Westin
Om Lars Bröndum
Lars Bröndum, fil.dr är tonsättare, live-elektronikmusiker, teoretiker och gitarrist. Bröndums musik har uppförts i Sverige, Japan, Skottland, Litauen, Lettland, Ryssland, England, USA, Spanien och Mexico. Hans musik har också sänts i radio och webbradio i Tyskland, England, Sverige och USA. Lars Bröndums cd “Fallout” vann pris i som bästa experimentella album på Manifest galan 2016 av SOM (Svenska Oberoende Musikproducenter) och CDn Music for Instruments and Electronics vann pris i samma kategori 2020. Bröndum släppte 2011 CDn ”Chain of Events” på Elektron Records och har sedan släppt albumen. Senaste CDn på Antennae Media heter "Sostenuto: The Book of Night". Albumen kan lyssnas streamade på Spoitify, iTunes etc och kan även laddas ner på på bandcamp.com.
Lars arbetar ofta med interaktion mellan akustiska och elektroniska instrument och hans musik utforskar gränslandet mellan noterad musik och improvisation. Kompositionerna struktureras runt cykliska förlopp, ostinatoliknande gester och mikrotonala kluster. När Lars spelar live använder han ett modulärt analogsystem, en Thermin och ibland en laptop med Max/MSP.
1992 disputerade Lars i komposition och musikteori vid University of Pittsburgh med doktorsavhandlingen "Formations for Chamber Orchestra" and "An Analytical Study of Voice Leading and Pitch Class Set Structure in György Ligeti's Kammerkonzert für 13 Instrumentalisten". Avhandlingen består av en egen komposition och en analys som presenterar en modell för analys av musik baserad på tonkluster (speciellt Ligeti och Penderecki). Modellen bygger på kombinationer av set teori (t.ex. Allen Forte) och linjär analys (Heinrich Schenker). Lars har även en Master in Music i komposition och musikteori (1989) och en Bachelor of Music-examen i gitarr (1987) från Youngstown State University.
Lars Bröndum är professor i musik vid Skövde högskola och driver även det oberoende skivbolaget Antennae Media. Han är aktiv kompositör vid EMS (Elektroakustisk Musik i Sverige) och medlem i Fylkingen. Lars satt i Fylkingens styrelse 2011-12 och i SEAMS styrelse 2008-2014. Han var ordförande i föreningen Vems (verksamma kompositörer på EMS) 2007-2008 och har också varit styrelseledamot i svenska sektionen av ICEM (Internationella förbundet för elektronisk musik).
Några utvalda verk
- Enigma Canon for Saxophone and Live Electronics (2018)
- Five Pages for three Theremins, voice and Tam-Tam (2018)
- Half of the Shadows - fixed media (2017)
- In Shards - for guitar trio (2017)
- The Serpentine Line - for flute, trumpet, bass clarinet, piano, violin, double bass (2016)
- Premonitions 2016 - For Double Bass and Electronics (reworked electronic part) (2016)
- Twittering Machine #3 - for orchestra (2015)
- Frequency Structures - fixed media (2015)
- Ode to Tritone - for three guitars (2015)
- Five Times Five (live elektronic) (2015)
- Loop Network (live elektronic) (2015)
- Frequency Code (Fixed Media) (2015)
- Brocken Spectre, Spectre for flute, piano, elektronics, b.clarinet. (2014)
- Spectre Retrograde for flute, piano, elektronics, b.clarinet. (2014)
- Rubicon Waves (fixed media) (2014)
- Double Helix Staircase (8-kanal surround) (2014)
- Twittering Machine #2 (2014) for quartet (piano, domra, balalika, gusli)
- Encircled - for 8 channel fixed media (2014)
- Music for Propaganda Films (2014) Audio visual production
- Objects of Association - for small ensemble (2014)
- Variations for String Orchestra on Hult Kläppen's Polska from Bergsjö (2014)
- Orgone Accumulator - Bass Clarinet and Fixed Media (2014)
- In Absinthe - 4-chan fixed media (2013)
- Plateu - an audio visual work (2013)
- Poltergeist & Evil Toys - for saxophone quartet and tape (2013)
- ID10T Error – Electroacoustic (2012)
- Core Suite – for Chamber Ensemble (2012)
- Isotrophy for Saxophone quartet (2011)
- Convolving Spheres – electroacoustic piece (2011)
- Tarrot - for violin, guitar and electronics (2011)
- Coincidentia oppositorum – for trumpet, piano, contrabass clarinet and live electronics (2011)
- Fluttering – 3 live electronics, guitar, piano and contrabass clarinet (2010)
- Kuroi (Manga Opera) – voice, alto/bassrecorder, piano and electronics (2010) Circular Vections – live electronics (live in Tokyo) (2010)
- C.O.R. – for piano, trumpet, kontrabass clarinet, theremin & electronics (2009)
- Subspace – for archlute, recorder, piano, theremin and live-electronic (2009)
- Clusters and Noises – for archlute (2009)
- Chroneme – voice and electronics (2009)
- Time Shift & Velocity – for piano, trumpet, guitar & bass clarinet (2009)
- The Devine Cluster – for piano and feedback (2009)
- Impetus – electroacoustic piece (2009)
- Unrest – for cello, electric guitar and electronics (2009)
- The Revolving Light – electroacoustic piece (2008/09)
- Intersections – cello, soprano and guitar (2008/08)
- Transmission – for piano & electronics (2008)
- Antennae - trumpet, basklarinett, kontrabasklarinett, piano (2007)
- Concentric Spheres (EAM) (2007)
- Muted Circle (EAM) (2007)
- Crackle Trap (EAM) (2007)
- Radio Trap (EAM) (2007)
- The Evitable Conflict (EAM) (2007)
- Parabolae – for violin, 2 contra bassclarinets, trumpet, contrabass & piano (2007)
- QUI (EAM) (2006)
- Suspended on a Straight Curve for electronics, piano, contrabass, violin (2006)
- Tender-Fury Suite for piano, violin, contrabass (2006)
- SWIRL – electroacoustic piece (2005)
- Vajra Circle Suite - for violin, contrabass and piano (2005)
- Short Circuit - for ensemble and delay (2005)
- Orb 3 - for guitar and electronics (2005)
- Orb 2, largo for guitar & electronics (2005)
- Vertigo - for small ensemble and electronics (2005)
- Instinkt - for piano and electronics (2004)
- Flux # 1 & # 2 för kvartett (2003-4)
- Twittering Machines för kvartett (2004)
- Surge for violin & tape (1993-2004)
- Premonitions för kontrabas & elektronik (2004)
- Ictus Suite - for 4 musicians
- The Soul in The Machine - for piano and electronics (2003
- Mask - A Song Cycle on Poems by Dylan (2003)
- Ictus 2 - for unidentified ensemble (2002)
- Sphere - for symphonic orchestra (2002)
- Pulse - an electroacoustic piece (2001)
- Cogwheels - Three Pieces for Piano (2001)
- String Quartet #1 (2001)
- Angular - a suite for small chamber ensemble in three movements (2001)
- M’bira - for sax, trumpet, two pianos, marimba and vibes (2001)
- Mosaic - two short electroacoustic pieces (1999)
- Wait - No - More! - for mixed ensemble (1998)
- Transformations - an improvisation for guitar, computer and DSP (1998)
- Ictus 1 'Infernal Machines' - for unidentified ensemble (1997)
- Colors - for avant garde jazz/rock ensemble (1997)
- Segments (i. sonore & ii. canto) - an electroacoustic piece (1996)
- Funderingar #1 - for Clarinet and Piano (1995)
- Magnesium Variations for guitar - in memoriam F. Zappa (1995)
- Carpe Noctem - for flute, percussion and string quartet (1995)
- Modules #6 - 9 Suite 2 - for computer/MIDI (1995)
- Ictus X - for computer and percussion (1993)
- Nexus - for computer/MIDI (1993)
- Loops and Phasing #1 & 2 - real-time interactions for synth and cpu (1993)
- Surge! #3 - real-time interactions for saxophone and computer (1993)
- Surge! #2 - real-time interactions for midi-guitar and computer (1993)
- Surge! #1 - real-time interactions for synthesizer and computer (1993)
- Orchestral Modules #1 - for Orchestra “a musical joke” (1992)
- Modules #1- 5 for Computer/MIDI (1992)
- Paradigm for saxophone and loops (1992)
- Interactions and Cadenzas - for Soprano Sax, Guitar and Computer (1992)
- Arches - for Chamber Ensemble (1992)
- Formations - for Chamber Orchestra (1991-92)
- Consequences for Solo Guitar (1991)
- Conflicts for piano and DX7 (1991)
- Collage #1 - Reflections for synthesizers (1991)
- Vortex - two pieces for computer and DX7 synthesizer (1991)
- Laocoön - Five pieces for Piano (1991)
- Eclipse for alto recorder (1990)
- The Cold and the Warm - for fl, gtr, pno and dbl. bass (1989)
- Equality - A Sextet for flute, oboe, bassoon, violin, viola, and cello (1989-90)
- Prelude and Toccata for synthesizer (1989)
- Preludes, Fugues, and Inventions for Harpsichord (1987-89)
- Episodes for Flute and Electronic Sounds (1989)
- "El Concierto" for mezzo soprano, pno, tba (1989) [on poem by J. Guillen]
- Concerto for Guitar and Chamber Ensemble (1985-89)
- Metamorphosis - A Symphony for String Orchestra (1988-89)
- Variations and Fugue - for Brass Ensemble and Percussion (1987-88)
- Skogs Rå - A Septet for flute, 2 trps, gtr, vla, dbl-bass, and piano (1988)
- Evocations for Chamber Ensemble and Electronic Sounds (1988)
- Väsen - a musiqué concrete composition (1987-88)
- Trio - for flute, guitar and harp (or piano) (1987)
- Concerto for Six Instruments (1986-87)
- Suite for Guitar (1986)
- Nocturne and Capriccio for Guitar and oboe (or flute) (1986)
- Five Pictures in Four pieces - for Serge & Moog synthesizers, alto & sopr. sax (1986)
- Theme, Variations, and Finale for piano and flute (1986)
- Arabesque for flute and oboe (1986)
- Suite for Guitar and Flute (1983-86).
- Ett Drömspel - a musique concrete piece (1985)
- Efter Floden - a musique concrete piece (1985)
Lars Bröndum
Född: 1961
Invald: 2006
Mer om Lars:
- http://www.antennaemedia.se/Home/Antennae_media.html
- http://antennaemedia.se/Home/Antennae_media.html
- http://antennaemedia.se/Home/Lars_Brondum.html
- http://elektronrecords.com/em1014-chain-events
- http://www.records.schhh.se/SE3JQ13003Agaig.html
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