Aktivitetskalender - arkiv

Nedan återfinns deadlines för ett antal kompositionstävlingar, bidragsordningar, residens och stipendier, samt datum för större festivaler inom samtida musik.
Därtill finns ett antal Projektstöd och Residens utan deadline, med löpande ansökan.

Det finns även handledningar i projektfinansiering att läsa hos Statens Musikverk och Nordisk Kulturfond. Förslag på fler tävlingar, projektbidrag, residens, stipendier och festivaler sändes till kansli@fst.se

Samtliga beskrivande texter är hämtade från respektive webplats.

Palazzo Rinaldi


Palazzo Rinaldi is launching its final call for Residencies + Retreats for summer 2014, with only two slots currently remaining available (10 nights duration).


Atelier Hotel Pro Forma, Köpenhamn


Atelier Hotel Pro Forma is now offering a unique opportunity for professional artists with suitable projects....

conDiT 2014 International Call for Composers Residence


The creation platform conDIT @ cheLA opens the international call for works, projects and residencies for composers and sound artists of any age to join the program in 2014.


Babayan Culture House – Cappadocia, Turkey


The Babayan Culture House offers many possibilities for art–making including, painting, drawing, photography, video, sound, new media, sculpture, installation, and performance.


Circolo Scandinavico, Rom


Circolo Scandinavo offers residencies to Nordic artists. Artists from all Nordic countries and all art fields may apply.


International artist residency, Mount Subasio, Assisi


The International artist residency Arte Studio Ginestrelle is located in the Regional Park of Mount Subasio, in the sacred side of the Assisi's mountain, surrounded by ancient forests and sanctuari...

Svenska Institutet, Paris


Korttidsboende för kulturarbetare och forskare.


Vistelsestipendium Hanasaari


Vistelsestipendiet skall i första hand användas för att:


Virginia Centre for Creative Arts


Every residency includes a comfortable, private bedroom, three meals a day, and a private studio.


Interdisciplinary Arts Residency at The Banff Centre, Kanada


To support artists in the creation, investigation, and production of cross-disciplinary work.


Klaustri∂, östra Island


Writers, composers, artists, musicians, dancers and scholars are eligible to apply for 3-8 weeks residency in Klaustrid at Skriduklaustur, East Iceland every year....

Schloss Bröllin international art research


Professional art groups from Germany and abroad can apply for a residence stay of up to three weeks within the months of April to November for the production of projects in the areas of contemporar...

Vistelsestipendium Hanasaari


Vistelsestipendiet skall i första hand användas för att:


Saari residence, Hietamäki


Saari Residence is a manor owned and maintained by Kone Foundation as a research and production facility for researchers and artists....

Villa San Michele, Capri


Villa San Michele är en utomordentlig plats för inspiration och arbete inom de flesta områden. Antalet sökande ligger mellan 300-400, knappt 60 får plats, varav ett tiotal får stipendier.


Vistelsestipendium Hanasaari


Vistelsestipendiet skall i första hand användas för att:


Svenska Institutet, Paris


Korttidsboende för kulturarbetare och forskare.


Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart


Akademie Schloss Solitude sponsors young artists, scholars, scientists, and economic professionals via residency fellowships only.Fellowships are usually awarded for a period between three and twel...


Cable Factory, Helsinki


HIAP welcomes artists, curators and other arts professionals with a wide range of backgrounds and diverse practices....

Nationellt residens vid Studio Acusticum


Vistelsestipendiet vid residenset ska ge dig som frilansande, yrkesverksam konstnär möjlighet att koncentrera dig på och utveckla ditt konstnärliga arbete....

Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio, Italy


Disciplines & Type of Work


The Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics, Graz


The Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics - IEM in Graz, Austria is happy to announce its new Music Residency program and invites applications from composers/sound artists for the 2015 editio...

Camargo Foundation, Cassis, France


The Camargo Foundation, located in Cassis, France and founded by artist and philanthropist Jerome Hill, is a residential center offering programming in the humanities and the arts. It provides time...
