Illegal Performance - NOMUS Museum i Gdansk / Hardi Kurda and Duo Moment / 2021-10-23 19:00 | Föreningen svenska tonsättare

Illegal Performance - NOMUS Museum i Gdansk / Hardi Kurda and Duo Moment / 2021-10-23 19:00

Datum: 2021-10-23 19:00 (uruppförande)
Tonsättare / Grupp / Medverkande: Hardi Kurda and Duo Moment

What does 'illegal' mean from an artistic perspective? With all the rules that make up our everyday life, how can sound and music contribute to a space of freedom? Illegal Performance presents through two instruments made by Hardi Kurda, and Khabat Abas reflects on those questions through their stories of Immigration and War that immerse local culture through rethinking listening to related material and sound. Perhaps this can function as an analogy for a more complex and nuanced image of today's social and political challenges.

Khabat transformed the Shell bomb into a Cello musical instrument, "Shellbomb Cello", reflect on her story with war material related to sound memory from her childhood. Also, she questions the shape of the cello that has the power to legalise an illegal material from the War.

Hardi deconstructed the body of the Viola musical instrument with radio circuits and springs "Radiola Springs" explores illegal voices inside the radio noises that demands rethinking on social and political order.  Hardi's story reflected on that when he was an illegal listener when he immigrated to Europe.