Valerie’s voice / Christofer Elgh / 2023-02-04 19:30 | Föreningen svenska tonsättare

Valerie’s voice / Christofer Elgh / 2023-02-04 19:30

Datum: 2023-02-04 19:30
Tonsättare / Grupp / Medverkande: Christofer Elgh
Plats: GießenStadttheater GießenGießen, DE

First performance of chamberopera Valerie’s voice in Germany at Stadttheater Gießen at the 20th of January 19:30 2023.

Introduction at 19:30 | Foyer Small House
Musical direction Günther Albers
Directed by Francesco Rescio
Set and costume Maik Wendrich
Dramaturgy Ann-Christine Mecke

Scientist Theresa Bub
Daddie’s Girl Ani Aghajanyan, Daria Tymoshenko