
ICVT 2017 – The Future of Singing - anmälan senast 1 juni


International Congress of Voice Teachers in Stockholm, Sweden – 2-6 August 2017

Your hosts for the 2017 International Congress of Voice Teachers (ICVT2017) are Svenska Sång- och Talpedagogförbundet – SSTPF or Voice Teachers of Sweden – VoTS, as we call ourselves internationally.

SSTPF is one of the world’s oldest associations of singing teachers, founded in 1933! That means we celebrated our 80th anniversary three years ago.

Please follow our progress on this website. We will try our best to keep it up-to-date and hope to make ICVT 9 in Stockholm (which will incidentally be the 30th Jubilee of ICVT) a worthy successor to its predecessors!

We are delighted to inform you that we have already ensured the co-operation
of  Håkan Hagegård, Monica Groop,George Shirley, Aija Puurtinen,
Bo Skovhus, Janice Chapman, Helena Jonason, Johan Sundberg,
André de Quadros, Barbro Marklund, Stefan Johansson, Sten Ternström
and Matthias Echternach among our keynote teachers and presenters.

We will gradually add names to this list and post more information about the International Congress of Voice Teachers 2017 in Stockholm so please continue to watch for updates.

Registration is open! Just klick on ‘Registration/Accommodation’ in the menu. This leads to a separate website for conference registration and hotel bookings.

Immediately before our conference (July 28-Aug 1) Johan Sundberg is also hosting the course “The science of the Singing Voice”, see voicecourse.info.

Welcome to Stockholm!